Growing Rosemary from seeds

Growing rosemary from seeds can be tricky, as germination rates are usually poor and it takes few months before the plants produce the leaves for your kitchen. A combination of heat, light, moisture and the right type of planting medium is necessary to successfully grow this herb in the garden or in pots on a windowsill.

  • Sterile Medium : Fill trays to 1 inch from the top with fresh sterile seed-starting medium and level. Water planting medium until it is wet but not saturated, to help settle it in the tray.
  • Add the rosemary seeds : Place rosemary seeds on top of the planting medium about one-half inch apart and press lightly but do not cover with soil, as the seeds must only come into contact with soil but not buried in it.
  • Provide adequate heat : Cover trays with clear plastic film, leaving one end loose to allow for air circulation. Place trays in a dark place with a temperature of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, as rosemary seeds need plenty of heat to germinate.
  • Relocate the seeds : Move trays to a sunny location or place them under a grow light and remove the plastic film once seedlings emerge. Begin transplanting them when they are about 2 inches tall into individual pots or peat pots. Check frequently for moisture and water if the soil appears very dry.
  • Harvest the rosemary sprigs : Harvest rosemary sprigs when the plants are about 1 to 2 feet tall or about 70 to 90 days after germination. Mulch heavily if leaving the plants outside for the winter, pulling the mulch away from the stem, or gradually acclimate potted plants to changes in temperature if bringing potted plants inside in colder areas.

Tips : Germination rates for rosemary are unreliable, so the more seeds you plant, the better your chances of producing a few good plants. Consider growing rosemary from cutting is alot easier than growing it from seeds.