Jacaranda From Seeds
- Soak the seeds for 24-48 hours in water. Try to push seeds into the water, you want most if not all of them sinked to the bottom of water.
- Place the seeds in seedling containers or pots on a bed of potting soil(~1/4" deep). You should cover them with a thin layer of potting soil and keep them moist.
- The seeds ought to germinate between two to eight weeks.
- Temperatures from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal for good germination
- Eight months must pass before transplanting the seedlings.
We've try to seed them on July 19, 2022

Picture 1: We put seeds in water and try few times per day keep pushing seeds inside the water, after 48 hours, all seeds sinked to the bottom. We then put it inside a ziplocked bag, put it in a kitchen towel moistened not wet.

Picture 2: taken on 7.22, some of seeds sprouted already.

Picture 3: 7.23, open up the ziplock bag, taken seeds out and put it in rockwool cube.

Picture 4: 7.23, 2 seeds per rockwool cube